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I know it's been a while. What's up with me?
- Took this yesterday. Turned out not so bad. At least from an old digital camera with few bells & whistles.
- We drove 90 min west into the real beginning of the Cascades to a town called Leavenworth. It is all things Bavarian. From the McDonalds sign to the Wells Fargo sign.
- Even people in some of the shops were dressed German style.
- There are so many shops. Lots of people.
- Even horse & carriage rides. (we didn't do that)!
- We both had bratburgers. They were really good. So many food establishments. Many had traditional German fare. Yet, we could have chosen Mexican or Italian, too.
- It was very foggy here when we left, but only partly cloudy up there. Not as much snow as I expected, but it's early. Heard a shopkeeper mention that the snow pattern has changed alot over the past 50 years. Not as much snowfall anymore. Not sure what "not as much" is.
- Steelers play today with 3rd stringer, Dennis Dixon. Big Ben out with headaches from last weeks concussion. Charlie Batch broke his hand on the 1st play in for Ben. Don't feel a woo hoo coming on. :(
- Ole Miss went down to MS State in the annual Egg Bowl. Baylor actually gave Tech a run for their money in Arlington at the new Cowboy Stadium. But, in the end....
- Off to a PR gathering this afternoon. Helping to light a fire under some groups that seem to be struggling.
- Oh, and time to try & put tree up. Ted finally has all the parts for the shelves we bought from a friend. So he's going to put those together in the garage & sort through what comes in for Christmas decorations.
Well, I'm off to get ready for my short road trip to Moses Lake. Everyone have a blessed day. :)
Another Sunday has zoomed in. A very long week.
- Listening to Jars of Clay's "Redemption Songs". That kind of day.
- Spent Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday mornings at SkillSource in Moses Lake. All to get a job "trainer". Hoping it will lead to financial help with app fees for reciprocity. SkillSource is separate from Unemployment and federally funded for retraining of people back to the workforce. Appt with trainer Thursday.
- Applied for and got a WA license. Picture leaves a lot to be desired! Ha! Also got 1 vehicle registered.
- Have enjoyed visiting with friends around the world while listening to the Mercyme fall tour with Tenth Ave North & Jonny Diaz. Fee played the 1st few venues, but had Passion commitments, so TAN joined up this week. Neat bunch of guys.
- Stupid blogspot is messing with my font size today. Have to reset with every new bullet.
- Made a chocolate cake yesterday. Had the layers cooling on the rack. Zipper from hoodie caught rack & when I turned? Yes, the cake hit my clean floor! Rescued most & repaired with frosting. But,I'm out of Wet Jet pads. Of course.
- Still no snow this low, but am seeing a little more each day on the Cascades to the West. I know Amanda is itching to come visit.
- Amanda starts a 2nd job with Gymboree. She loved working there in Waco. She quit only because it was interfering with school. She actually knows the lady who is manager at the store she will be at. She is hoping for a permanent, FT position. She loves the spa, but if she can get back into retail, I think she will enjoy it more.
- Finally hung the last of the pictures. Still have a dishpack full of pics that didn't make the cut! Ted still needs to hang sports stuff in the hall bath & home "office".
- I am still stuck on Step 4. All the resentments. Some seem too trivial to write down, but if I hang on to them, that part of me will not heal. So many "open cuts". Hanging on is adding salt to the wound! I don't want that. Ironic that "Hiding Place"is playing right now! Thanks, Dan (JOC lead singer). With God as my cushion, I will persevere. It's a soft place to land. Right in His arms. Thank goodness.
Have a blessed week. :)
Since I haven't posted in a few days and it's my blog, I'm going to combine SSS & PPT. And the above pic can be for Wordless Wednesday! Thru my dirty windshield, way in the distance, about the center (looks like a cloud) is Mt Ranier with snow on top. Took my breath away & it's still way further west than I was on Sunday. God's Glory is all around us. Close or in the distance. No matter! These peaks are starting to "pop" with the snow on top. Wow!
Here's my past couple of days in bullets:
- Went west to Ellensburg, Wa Sunday for an NA Area meeting. It's a business meeting of all the groups in our area. Worked on Area in the Panhandle. Now, I'm just observing. It is a huge group compared to Amarillo!
- Ted stayed home & watched football. Steelers were on a bye week.
- Yesterday & today (and tomorrow) I have spent the mornings at the SkillSource office in Moses Lake (35 mi). I am hoping for assistance with my reciprocity fees & law exam fees. To be assigned a trainer you have to do this 3 day thing. I hate it, but I have learned a few things. Keeping a positive attitude about me is #1.
- After "class" I went to the DMV to get an Driver's License. In WA they have an Enhanced DL. It works like a passport at half the cost & it fits in your wallet. No good for flying, but by land or sea. Mexico, Canada, the Bermudas, and much of the Caribbean. Only problem? Only place within 100 miles is 30 mi the other way from Quincy. Got regular license & can upgrade for $15. Already established residency.
- Oh, and it took 2 hrs! Did register to vote while there.
- Got license plates for car. Will do Tahoe in 2 weeks. Got insurance moved over and got Renters insurance.
- Guess that means I'm staying! Ha!
- Excited about all the new releases today! From Steven Curtis Chapman to Shane & Shane to Pocket Full of Rocks. Can't afford everyone today. SCC will stream live from his FB page tonight at 9PM CST. Also, Paul Balouche released a great worship CD today..
Ok. All caught up. I think. Be Blessed.