It is less than 2 weeks until Christmas! I'm trying to stay upbeat, but being out of work stinks at this time of year. I have so much to be thankful for, though. I have a roof over my head, a wonderful family, and the house looks like Christmas. I love snowmen, so many of my ornaments are snowmen. The whole tree is now decorated with only Christopher Radko ornaments. My husband & daughter bought the 1st two about 10 years ago. Even the topper is CR. I also hang the Wallace Silver bells each year. I'm sure it would embarrass Amanda if I still put her grade school projects on the tree! They are tucked away.
Not sure yet if there is a white Christmas on the way. Next week snow is forecast Monday til Thursday morning. Just as long as I can get out of here on Thursday morning to fly to Waco. Amanda's friends wedding is Friday! 6 days. Can hardly wait to see the bridesmaid dress and the bride's dress. Amanda helped the bride with both. They shopped til they dropped! An evening wedding at Christmas.
Then Amanda will have a co-pilot for the trip back to Amarillo. She's 22 now, do you think it's time for a few of those mother-daughter talks?
Some days she seems so grown up and ready for graduation in May. Some days I get a call saying "I don't want to grow up"! I told her it's kind of late. 22 is grown up. It's the stress of job hunting. It's worrying if her resume stacks up. It's worrying about her GPA. She does have an advantage over me at that age. She's already lived off campus for 3 years now. Paying her own rent and other bills. She's got stuff in her name. I didn't have that advantage.
She called me yesterday. "Mom, so & so's brother graduates high school in May". (something I already knew). I told her that he didn't seem so much younger than her anymore. When the girls were 16, those little brothers seems so immature & young! My how a few years changes all that. My baby is having growing pains.

This will really be her last long stay at home. I need to make it special. We need to clean out her closets. (yes, she has two). She needs to decide what to keep, what to give away, and what is trash. So much has collected over 22 years. 20 in the same house! We have outgrown our house with "stuff". My husband thinks I'm the pack rat, but I think he must close his eyes when he steps in the garage! Ha!
Anyway, I'm getting mopey writing some of this. Cutting those apron strings, one at a time, is getting harder! Each time she comes home & leaves, those strings don't seem to reach as far. Enjoy every minute with your kids. Always.
I was getting teary eyed reading about the apron strings. Kids grow up so fast and every moment should be cherished. My son, my only child is 32 years old and its hard to believe that the years have passed so fast. I feel blessed that he is still at home with me but at the same time I feel bad for him because of the circumstances. I will not bore you with all the details but he is divorced and a single dad. He is doing a wonderful job of raising his daughter. He works nights and I keep her while he works so living in the same home makes it a lot easier. Its hard to make it on your own with a single income these days and thus the reason he is back living at hime with us.
Have a safe trip and enjoy your time with your daughter.
You have amazing talents. I can barely sew a straight stitch on the machine let alone something like that stocking by hand. Wow! Just think how much fun you're going to have at the wedding and then all the time to talk to Amanda in the car.
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