Sunday, February 15, 2009

Stats Suck Sunday

You know, Sunday's seem to just jump out quicker each week. Do I have random thoughts? It's been a rough week. So, as Sir Brody says:

Welcome to sunday. You all know how this works, and if you don’t this is the day where random things floating around in my head end up on here because really, who’s reading blogs on Sunday? Feel free to join in on your own Stats Suck Sunday by writing something random on your blog and filling out the box below. The point is, there’s no point. So here we go."
  • My husband's best bud, Robert, had a massive coronary Friday morning at work. Good thing is he over maintenance in the rehab hospital/nursing home my husband runs the hospital part at.
  • There are some awesome nurses in that facility. The cardiologist said he wouldn't have made it to the regular hospital without the care he received there!
  • As it was he still coded twice. Once in the cath lab. He had 3 or 4 major arteries completely blocked. Due to his critical state, they only took the time to open 1 vessel. He is on a vent & in CCU hooked up to so much stuff.
  • Saturday his kidneys started shutting down & he started running a temp & he needed insulin. All of these things are an unfortunate part of a heart attack's rage inside the body. He was in critical, but stable condition.
  • I sent out a tweet for pray starting on Friday. God is soooo good. Today his kidneys are slowing starting to remember they need to get fluid OUT of his body. The fluid on his lungs has cleared. The CT scan shows no brain bleeds or stroke. He is squeezing his wife's hand.
  • He is still sedated as to not fight the vent.
  • Another very good friend of ours is down the hall in ICU, also on a vent, with pneumonia. All 3 of these guys (my husband, Robert, & Gerry) worked at this hospital many moons ago. They are all similar in age. It has been very humbling and a jolt of reality that life gives us hurdles that seem unjumpable. (just made that word up). Guys this young (mid- to late-50's) shouldn't get this ill.
  • I am so grateful for everyone who has been keeping these great guys in your prayers. I'm getting teary eyed again, so I need to move on.
  • Valentine's Day consisted of checking on said friends. Also went to the stockyard to eat lunch. It is a real, live stockyard. With the best chicken-fried steak, best hamburger steak, and great mashed potatoes. We hadn't been in a long time, so I thought it a great Valentine dinner. I have a beautiful bouquet of flowers, too. All things spring. Tulips, roses, well you know.
  • Listening to Francesca Battiselli and it is lifting my spirits a little.
  • Daughter home next weekend, but not to visit mom & dad. For the 4th year in a row, she is coming home to be a facilitator for her old church's D-now weekend. Guess who gets to pick her up from airport? Hmmm. Then after church Sunday for a while til it's time to zip back to Dallas & drive back to Waco.
  • Two weeks from today, I will be watching the Pittsburgh Penguins take on the Dallas Stars in hockey. In Dallas. Amanda driving up to join us; it was, after all, her only request at Christmas. Can hardly wait. Haven't been this season. Hope Crosby is back in the line-up.
  • And how can I forget? The Rock & Worship Roadshow starts soon. The closet it comes to Amarillo is Oklahoma City (4 hours east) or Dallas (6 hours SE). Dallas may win out because it is a central location to 3 woman I have met through blogging & twittering since Mercyme's tour last fall. Here's the funny thing. The Roadshow & the hockey game are in the same venue. A month apart. Hockey one Sunday, The Roadshow on a Friday.
Have a great week and please keep Robert (and his family & my husband) in your prayers, that he continue to heal so they can go back & repair the other blocked arteries. Thanks, guys. Your strength sustains me.


Lisa said...

You have had quite a week! I'm glad your friends are doing better. I have been out more than home this week (or so it seems) and haven't been online much. I'm so behind.

Paisley said...

I'm so sorry that you have had a hard week. I'll continue to pray for Robert and his family as well as you and your husband.

Anonymous said...

wow...Prayers are up...Keep strong..You know "Who" you belong to.
If you get to that concert...Hug Brody for us...