On another positive note, Amanda signed a lease on an apartment in Austin for the 25th of July. It is a 2 bedroom that she will share with a friend. They looked at several & this was the one that fit their needs. Except for a washer & dryer. There are hook-ups. Now to undo what we did 2 months ago in Waco. Clean out the storage unit & make a final (for at least a year) move to Austin. She keeps running into people she either knows or knows through others. The girl that checked her out at the grocery store yesterday was a friend of her dorm mates from her freshman year at Baylor. The randomness of life!
This time of year always finds me contemplating where I was 2 years ago. Two years ago I was an addict in denial. No way was I a "junkie". Other people might be. I judged them everyday at work. God has so blessed me. He keeps giving me the gift of recovery. Every day. Two years ago I could have made the decision to give up. Not fight for my license. Not fight for my life. Thank God, I didn't. I chose recovery and what a difference it has made in my life. On Saturday, July 11th, I celebrate 2 years clean. It has not been easy, but it has been simple. God has given me new eyes and some awesome friends. Not just superficial friends or social friends, but people who have been where I have been. At my bottom. Only God could have done this. I just need to continue to carry the message of recovery and how blessed my life is-no matter the unemployment! I am not ashamed anymore. Well, maybe a little, but I can look you in the eye now & not feel guilt when speaking. My heart overflows with the need to stay clean, continue my recovery, and pass it on to the newcomer. Life is too short.
Way to stay positive. I wonder why it is that Tuesday's seem to be my most negative days? Seriously, I've noticed this. Keep us posted on the job interview.
I know we have different stories, but sometimes we seem to think the same things (scary for you!) Despite what we have gone through we look back and sometimes say "God took me through WHAT?" Bet you have? I know its the only way I made it through. Since my life is still going on, then God isn't done getting me through it just yet--so I figure I will be just fine since He has done a perfectly good job so far.
I love your positive attitude and thankfulness for what God has restored to you :) We have had major computer issues, so I am a little behind on blog reading. Hopefully I can have a minute to read through all of your posts this week. Isn't it great to know that God is never mad at us? You are doing a great job, and I am proud of you!
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